Finally, an internship!

            Lovely, I’m congratulating myself. I’m congratulating myself because I finally landed an internship. The internship I’ve planned to get a few semesters ago and one of the main driving reasons that I decided to go back to earn my first bachelor’s degree. An internship I’ve been secretly afraid to land on account that: I’m terrified of messing up big time, my time was limited because of my toddler, and the risk of not being paid for the time I spend working. 

            It all happened suddenly and before the interview was over, I was agreeing to start later in the same week of my interview. I was surprised but glad that I didn’t have to wait until they let me know that I was accepted for the internship. But I was also aware that the company desperately needed people to start as soon as possible. 

            The position is to help the production department. Especially during the holiday season when they needed the assistance the most since majority of the fulltime employees were taking off for the holiday break. 

            This internship is giving me a good idea of what I’m more interested in and the type of environment or organization I would like to build my career from. Also, the added bonus of being paid for the days there, the oddly relaxed flexibility of hours and getting some most needed job experience in the process is a huge accomplishment for me. For the longest time, I didn’t believe in myself to realize I could make it happen for myself. I’m still fighting those thoughts about my own abilities and try to prove my own harsh self-critic wrong by showing that I actually can.   

            So far, I’m doing things I didn’t expect and that’s cause the company Is quite big and everyone has their set tasks and responsibilities. It’s interested to get a behind the scenes view of the hierarchy of an organization. But am I missing out on something else? am I lowering my capabilities to settle for just the first choice that crossed my path? Plus, did I really earn the position if the head manager was willing to accept anyone that crossed thier path? I’m still pondering over it…

Starting a Bullet Journal for 2019…

In the beginning of this month, I told myself I needed to find something to track my progress, track my habits, track my activities. The little details of my progress were the breadcrumbs I wanted to leave a trace of, as I improved… yet, I struggled with trusting myself to commit because I had no clue as to where to start and what to try.

One time, I had tried using different journals for each goal category. But different journals work if you can remember what you actually put in them and where you last left them. Also, the added task of reminding yourself to keep updating them. It felt chaotic and messy, making the task of tracking uninspiring and burdensome.

After watching a few Youtubers like Amy Landino and Tasha from one big happy family, I started to feel more prepared to tackle this new journal journey! i decided to reuse a simple Mead spiral notebook, along with different colored sharpies and a few sigma micron pens. I gave it my best artistic typographical attempt for each page heading. Being able to inject a bit of creativity feels refreshing and new, almost therapeutic. I added a section for my long term goals, (micro) February goals and, most importantly, my daughters goals. Other important sections included habits to maintain my health and one dedicated page just for brainstorming content. Lastly, a page dedicated to reminding me of the most mundane tasks needed for the household.

Its never to late to start talking about goals and the different ways that one can use to prepare and tackle them. The small steps completed daily contribute to strengthening those bigger goals. With that being said, I hope you are ready to tackle 2019 because we’ve still got eleven more months to go to make a real difference

Thank you for taking the time to check out this blog post. I hope you find this kind of content inspirational or insightful. What are your goals like for 2019? What are you doing to keep track of them?

Until next time!

At-Home-Workout Products x New Year New Me LOL

So…now thats its the second week of February, have you kept up with your 2018 fitness goals?

Me?… my overall body weight is finally lingering at around my pre-pregnancy weight and I couldn’t even express to you how nervous yet excited I am for it!

Nervous because once I notice that I’m following through with my fitness goals by losing a lost pound or so, simply knowing that there is some progress, that’s when my mind will automatically start to activate my reward senses or triggers or what ever they’re commonly referred to. My mind is like “ok, lets starting indulging on donuts, lets make a cake to eat every morning to compliment the bitterness of my morning coffee, lets have more fast food” its like a mental fight! Its terrifying because once I start to indulge in these “rewards” thats when the pounds start to add up fast. Then it becomes this self defeating and hurtful monster cycle that feels never ending and my self esteem takes the hit again and again. The nail in the coffin is when I’m checking myself out with a cute new outfit and it doesn’t look good because of my weird post baby belly situation going on and popping out like I’m 4 months pregnant.

I’ve been aiming to go to the gym consistently or at least the total number of times equal to the amount I pay for my month membership (so it’ll make that fee completely worth it and not a waste of money). But another habit I’m aiming to turn into a daily routine, is to do a daily workout, even if its a short one, in my living room. Its not that I don’t have the time or space to do some moves to tighten up my overall physique, but I just don’t get motivated and I simply don’t associate my apartment with heavy duty training sessions and I justify that thought by having a gym membership.

Sooo, to get excited about training at home, here are a few items that’ll make it more enjoyable on a daily basis:


Booty Bands: from the countless of fitness enthusiast instagram pages I’ve checked out, at one point or another they’ve used a band to help grow thy booties. So when I saw this one in target, I was like I too shall grow thy booty


Scunci Everyday & Active Hair Elastics: what sold me was the “Best Hair Elastic Fitness Beauty Award Winner” slapped right on the center of the packaging. I’m a sucker for hair bands! Plus, I’ve been in desperate need of a new pack since I had already lost all them. Let me know in the comments below if this happens to you also lol


Waist Trainer: this one I purchases isn’t really a waist trainer for fitness, but more of a corset. I’m planning to use this during my cardio sessions to help sweat out fat. This item is so controversial because some swear by it yet doctors claim it does nothing to contribute to any core strength. I’m willing to give it a try, but not at a hefty price tag. This one I got from eBay for no more then twenty bucks!


Leggings: One is from Old Navy, Victoria Secret Pink, and two from Forever 21. They’re all in small because their super stretchy.

The only items that I haven’t purchased yet are a couple of cute new sneakers. I’ve beat up the current few that I have so I’m dying to get a couple of cute new ones to compliment my new set of goals lol

Anyways, thanks for reading along and let me know what you think of these items or if I should add some additional items to my current fitness products. I already have a few mats in different colors and some light weight dumbbells, but who knows, I just hope I stay committed to actually use everything!

2018 New Year Fresh Start & 3 New Year Tips! January Thoughts

Welcome 2018!

Twenty seventeen could not have ended soon enough! For the most part, it is been one crazy, crappy, crummy year for the nation with many feeling the angst. If 2017 were a person, this would be a good representation of it:

It never seizes to amaze me of how fast this year went by. Granted, major changes began at the start of 2017 that brought about new challenges that I never would have foreseen experiencing in my early 20’s. This blog post isn’t to rant about my challenges but rather give it credit for being the most important pivotal point in my personal history, motherhood. Now that the new year is right around the corner, 2018, I’m more than excited to see what kind of opportunities come up or where I can possibly create opportunities. I am hungry to find ways to create passive income because I want to be a able to take care of my daughter and future children while being able to provide more for myself. Luckily, I have a small team (aka our small immediate family) that I trust immensely that do help us. Personally, I am incredibly grateful that this year I got time to pull back from work and school and reflect a lot! I’ve taken this time to explore different interests and really question what I’m passionate about. If someone were to ask me what changed the most about me throughout 2017, I’d gladly respond by saying that I got to learn about myself a lot more.

1. Explore your interest to discover your passions

But a key aspect of self discovery is being patient. Being patient to complete every task or mundane activity to help get that much closer to fulfillment. One major observation I’ve personally made was that I tend to not finish what I’ve started or fully complete it to the best of my abilities. I can come up with a million and one ideas and in my mind work out all the details of what I’ll need to do to finish it but in the end I often don’t see it through to the finish line. Sucks to admit that I’m going into the new year with 2016 baggage, so much for a true fresh start! (Perhaps in my next blog post, I’ll get into more detail about my side projects, let me know in the comments below) So my long term goal throughout the year is to completely finish whatever new projects I begin and to complete it with the best of my abilities, not just half-assly, know what i mean? lol

2. Finish what you started and give a fuck if its the best that you can possibly do!

Throughout the year, I become better at being accountable (maybe not accountable enough to post more often but that’s going to change) and staying focused on the task, meaning if it needed to be done, it gets done even if I don’t get any sleep. Its hard to stay personally motivated to do the mundane tasks but its even harder to motivate someone else who doesn’t care enough to get inspired to take action. As a new mom, willpower became my backbone because there have been so many instances where I’ve had so much resistance about changing a diaper or to go to sleep or even to stay in one room, the list can go on and on and the crazy part is that its only the beginning. My fiance was an only child growing up and has never been around babies so being an attentive dad is something his learning on the job. So going into 2018, don’t just take care of your appearances or money but take care of yourself by being conscious about your choices and time because there is always an opportunity cost to the actions we take up.

3. Become more accountable with your time, not just money.

Handle your next moves purposefully cause its hard to stay focused now in days where there is so much distraction seemingly everywhere. I’m not just referring to dating, partying or playing a game. The media is vying for your attention, advertisements are placed everywhere, then a job requires one to focus on their tasks for 8 hours. The things that matter the most to you are only given a limited amount of time and then the day comes to a close with another 8 hours of your last 24 hours sleeping. This is why I believe if one can stick and master a short list of actions, then who’s stopping you from conquering more? If you can master a short list of skills or habits then more power to you! Focus on three main goals, make it a personal mantra and keep them short so you can maximize whatever you’re already working on. Good luck & Happy New Year 2018!

Off-The-Shoulder Floral Romper x OOTD

This was a super casual floral romper for a casual stroll around the park in this crazy humid New York City heat. The romper has a trendy off-the-shoulder look with super cute floral motifs of red, pink, blue flowers and leaves that almost look drawn on. It was really comfortable and cute. I’ve been feeling a little anxious lately, mostly because I’ve been researching the classes I’ll need to take to go back to school for a bachelors degree. I’m really excited about the major I’m planning to go into but its going to be really tough for me because its mostly in math. I’ve spend so much time researching what would be the best and most flexible degree for me and my little family for a while now. It was really challenging because there were so many questions that I had about demand, pay scale, etc and nothing that could be answered by simply googling it.

Personally, I wish public high schools would incorporate and encourage other topics, something that’s more relevant long term, to build interest within the kids which would grow into a life skill. Instead of spending so much time on memorizing (what feels like now) useless facts or rules. I completely understand that education is important, but understanding whats valuable and what isn’t is just as important. Its just unfortunate that kids don’t get that time to really explore and question the things around them because of all the time spend on schoolwork or craming for tests… Anyways, I’m just ranting on my own personal experiences.

Perhaps you’ve had a different experience or have a different opinion about the education system, if so lets chat in the comments below! Also, what do you think about this outfit?

Thanks for checking out my blog and this post!

sunglasses; Ray Bans | romer; Rainbow | sneakers; Forever 21 | bag; Boohoo | baby; MINE 😅








